8th edition




This study will take us through three different topics as outlined above.
           What is restitution and how do we restitute? Lev.6:1-7, Lk.19:8. Restitution            involves restoring to the owner all things taken by falsehood, confessing all lies told            and bringing all those we have deceived into the true picture of things. Prov.6:30-
           31, 28:13, Acts 24:16, Ezek.33:14-16; II Sam.12:1-6; Phil.1; Lev.6:2-5. It is being            willing to let the Lord expose and then heal painful areas of our past. God commands            that restitution be made. Restitution leaves behind an indelible testimony with the            one whom restitution is made which when an unbeliever is involves becomes a            means of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. When a delicate restitution is to be            made, involving unsaved ones, undoing wrongs done against organizations, or those            that affect marriage relationship etc. Much prayer, counseling from men of God may            be required.

B.          MORAL ISSUES
           God’s standard does not change with time and His views have not changed on the            following:
           Adultery: What is a adultery? Does it belong to the Old Testament period?            Ex.20:14, I Cor.6:9-10. It involves breaking solemn marriage vows and defiling the            conjugal bed. I Cor.6:15-16, Heb.13:4.
           Fornication: What is fornication? Is virginity outdated I Cor.6:13, 18a, Eph.5:3,            Rom.12:2. The fact that fornication is a common practice does not make it            acceptable to God. Brother / Sister keep your self pure.
           Sexual Perversion: What does it means? Lev.18:22-23, Rom.1:26-27. Remember            Sodom and Gomorrah
           Flirting: Is defined as showing attention or affection without intentions. Love is too            serious for play-acting. Paul warned Timothy I Tim.5:2 don’t send out wrong signals            Rom.14:16; Eph.4:27. Be wise, ensure you keep a safe distance from a member of            the opposite gander you are not convinced you are meant for each other.
           Danger of Moral Indecency
          1.     God regards it as a waster of resources. Prov.29:3
          2.     As a vow breaker, one is under a cure. Isa.54:5, Mal.2:14
          3.   Desecrated the blood-purchased property of Jesus and hence attracts                  destruction. I Cor.6:19-20
          4.     It is a sin against one’s body. I Cor.6:18
          5.    Opens a doorway for Satan’s attack. Eccl.10:8b. The world may outwardly                  laugh at you yet inwardly admire Christians who have the courage to stand up                  to their moral chastity.

Holy Marriage: Courtship
What is the sound and Bible approved way of getting engaged as believers? I Sam.16:7 Gen.24:1-4, I Thess.4:1-7. Name the elements of undefiled courtship? Petting, romance, sex, should be strictly avoided during courtship. Prov.9:17-18, Heb.13:4. Ensure that you and your intended spouse have a common understanding of the key doctrines of the Bible. Heb.6:1-2.

           No marriage must be contracted with unbelievers. II Cor.6:14-17 Amos 3:3 But. 7:3,            4, 6. Any marriage contracted outside God’s plan will often give birth to troubled. If            you are already married to an unbeliever, God can use you to bless your unbelieving            partner. I Cor.7:14

           Divorce / Separation
           God initiated married. Gen.2:24. God is against divorce. Matt.19:6, Matt.5:32,            Mal.2:13-16. Putting away and remarriage constitute adultery. Mk.10:11-12. Only            death should separated a couple Rom.7:2-3 Love renders divorce irrelevant in            marriage. I Cor.13:4-7

           Handing Money
           The Bible does not condemn money parse but gives some safe guidelines on the            attitude of the Christians towards money.
           1.   Do not love money. I Tim.6:6-10. The remedy is contentment with what God                  provides.
           2.   Do not the preoccupied with searching for money at the expenses of God.                  Matt.6:33.
           3.   Do not hoard it up. Matt.6:19, I Tim.6; 17. Your financial strength has no                  bearing in heaven or hell. A note of caution. I Tim.5:8
           4.    Do not worship money. Matt.6:24, Prov.11:28. Money should not be your God.                  No idolaters shall inherit the kingdom of God.
           5.   Do not live in debts as a way of life. The only Bible recommended debt is love.                  Rom.13:8
           6.   Remember you have been bought with a price (I Cor.6:20), your money is the                  property of your master. You are only a custodian. I Cor.4:2-7, Deut.8:18.
           7.    Do not put your truth in your money. I Tim.6:17, Ps.62:10b
           8.    Do not be involved in extortion, bribery, corruption, Isa.33:15.

D           Biblical Principles of Giving
           The following principles of giving should be observed:
           Why do you Give?
           Love for God Jn.3:16. Following after God. Jn.3:16 recognize the ultimate giver.            Duet.8:16. An opportunity to sow and bless someone. Prov.14:21. Avoid the trap of            stringiness. Prov.11:25-26, II Cor.9:6.
           What do you give?
           Skills, Time, Prayers, Substance, Ex.35:4-34.
           To whom do you give?
           God’s work. Ex.35:29, Spiritual leaders Gal.6:6 Less Privileged. Prov.19:17
           How do you give?
           a.   Freely and cheerfully. Prov.11:24; II Cor.9:7. It attracts God’s Favourable                  attention
           b.   In proportion to and at times beyond your means. Acts.11:29, II Cor.8:13,                  Mk.12:44
           c.   Give without publicity. Matt.6:1-4

Wealth made through unethical/corrupt means and given for God’s cause cannot pacify God. Ps.26:9-19, I Cor.6:9-10. You cannot buy a good relationship with God.

Tithes in the Church
Tithes is one tenth of your total or gross income. It belongs to God. Mal.3:8-12, Lev.27:30. Paying of tithes is NOT a sacrifice but an act of returning to God what He has given you that belongs to Him. It is not optional
Why pay Tithes?
a.        To follow biblical footsteps. It was given before the law Gen.28:22, Commanded by            God as a law, Lev.27:30-32 Jesus advised against the neglect, Matt.23:23.
b.        To honour God and support the church.
c.        It does not belong to you but God; spending it is robbing God Mal.3:8.

How to pay tithes?
Must be done cheerfully, not grudgingly.
Must be done with a heart of gratitude
Must be seen as an opportunity to give back to God.

When to Pay: Tithe is to be paid promptly with a heart of gratitude and a sense of urgency. Lev.22:29; 27:31.
Note: Pay your tithes to the church where the truth is preached
Benefits of Tithing:
Evidence of faith in God
Joy of the abundance in the house of God.
Divine blessings beyond your comprehension.
God rebukes the devourer for your sake.

What are offerings? Deut.12:6. They are gifts that you give to God in addition to your tithe. Endeavor not to come into God’s presence empty handed. Deut.16:16. Note that offering is often mentioned together with tithes. While tithes open the window of heaven, offering determined how wide it should be opened Lk.6:38. Your offering should be given prayerfully and systematically. Not rummaging round your pocket/hang bag at the last moment.

Dangers of Neglect of Tithes and Offerings
-         One is directly under a curse from the highest authority (Mal.3:9).
-         Open a door fore the devourer to attack you (Ecc.8:10b, I Pet 5:7).
-         It is stealing from God’s storehouse and thieves are not heaven-bound (I Cor.6:10)
-         You become irrelevant to the plan of God as His plans will run without your money            (Hag.2:8, Ps.50:10).

If your money represents your time, strength, talents and inheritance, then it is scriptural to allow God control your money. The way we handle money (no matter if we have a lot or a little) given an indication of our true relationship with the God who gave His only son; as Satan can use money or lack of it to separate us from God. A believer’s attitude towards money should therefore be guided by integrity, generosity and stewardship and not by selfishness and materialism. What is your guiding attitude towards money?

If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat of the good of the land.